
Things I learned in: Day_14

Note: use the github provided TOC for navigaing.

there is also a data structure called sorted array.

Motivation for Heap:

example of the problem that heap solves, 10k students appeared for a coding contest. Find the top 10 students.

What is heap:

  1. it is a binary tree.
  2. It should be a complete binary tree(CBT).(n.b: if all level of the tree are complet;y filled except last level, but filling should be left to right order.)
  3. Heap order property, maxheap and min heap.Heap order property for max/min says, every parent node in the heap will have high/low value than its children.

Hash Table:


Hash function:

Key Components:

Map STL:

sometimes we need to store data in a key and value pairs, at that time we use map. There are two type of maps 1. ordered map, 2. unordered map

1. insertion:

int main(){
    map<string, int> m;

    pair<string,int> p;
    p.first = "apple";
    p.second = 120;
    m["Banana"] = 20;

2. serach for an element:

count() if is the efficient one if you donā€™t required the position in return.

    // serach for an element
    string fruit;

    auto it = m.find(fruit); // auto can be replaced by mapstring,int>::iterator
        cout<<"price of "<<fruit<<" is "<<n[fruit]<<endl;
        cout<<"fruit is not present"<<endl;

3. another way of finging any element:

    //another special property
    // it stores key only ones, so m["banana"] = 10 will update the value of banana

    // alternative a count func
        cout<<"price of "<<fruit<<" is "<<n[fruit]<<endl;
        cout<<"fruit is not present"<<endl;

4. erase key:

    // erase key, will remove the key value from the map
    m["litchi"] = 60;
    m["pineapple"] = 20;

5. Iterate over map:

map iterator is map<string,int>::iterator. this can be used for replacing auto.

    for(auto it=m.begin();it!=m.end();it++){
        cout<<it->first<<" and "<<it->second<<endl;
    for(auto p:n){
        cout<<p.first<<" : "<<p.second<<endl;

Unorderedmap STL:

Unordered maps are same as maps but in case of unordered it dont stores the elements in a ordered manner. The STL part is same a map, just need to import unordered_map library, and change the map instance by unordered_map. In this cas insertion,deletion and finding happens in O(1) time.