
Things I learned in: Day_15

Note: use the github provided TOC for navigaing.

Binary search tree:

Building a BST:

node* build(){ // read a list of number till -1 and also these numbers will be inserted into BST int d; cinĀ»d; node* root==NULL; while(d!=-1){ root = insert_in_bst(root,d); cinĀ»d; } return root; }

### BST searching:
- BST is very effecient in searching.
- complexity if O(H), in average case, in max case its O(N) in min case its O(logN).

bool search(node*root,key){
        return false;
        return true;
    // recursive case
        return search(root->left,key);
        return search(root->right,key);

Deletion in BST:

it has mainly three case,

  1. is the node has no children
  2. if node has noly one children
  3. if the node has two children
node* delet_bst(node* root, int data){
        return NULL;
    else if(data<root->data){
        root->left = delet_bst(root->left,data);
        return root;
    else if(data==root->data){
        // found the node to delete 3 cases
        // 1st. Node has 0 children
        if(root->left==NULL && root->right==NULL){
            node* temp = root->left;
            delete root;
            return NULL;
        //2. node has 2 children
        if(root->left!=NULL && root->right==NULL){
            node*temp = root->left;
            delete root;
            return temp;
        if(root->left==NULL && root->right!=NULL){
            node*temp = root->right;
            delete root;
            return temp;
        //3. node has 2 children
        node *replace = root->right;
        // find the inorder successar from the right subtree
            replace = replace->left;
        root->data = replace->daata;
        root->right = delet_bst(root->right,replace->data);
        return root;
        root->right = delet_bst(root->right,data);
        return root;

check BST or not: