
Things I learned in Day 7:

Note: use the github provided TOC for navigaing.


Technique to solve Recursive problems:

There is two parts of recursive solution,


Say you need to find factorial of 3(3!). you can solve it via recursion but you can also solve it using recursion too.


int Factorial(int n){
    //base case
        return 1;
    // recursive case
    int small_ans = Factorial(N-1); 
    int factorial = n * small_ans;

    // return the calculated value
    return factorial; 
int main(){
    int n;
    n = 3;

How recursion works internally:

As you can see in the picture, there are two calls happens, one is top down call and another is bottom up call.

How callstack works at the time of recursion:

Function calls happens via call stack, the rectengle represents the call stack. and in thaat call stack we have main func and all the variables associated with the func are in stack memory, bcoz of that N is all the stacks, when Factorial() gets called a stack memory gets assigned to the Factorial() where N=5, then internally the afain Factorial() call happens(in the small_ans line) and it gets a stack memory too, but N is now 5-1=4;but value of Factorial(4) is unknown, so again function call happens, and this goes on untill it hit the base case, when it hit the base case it returns some value, and the stack memory gets deleted(the top memory), and this returned value gets passed to smaller problem (below stack function calls where N=1) and small_ans gets calculated and that stack memory gets deleted, and this keep going on untill it comes to main, and from main the value is printed.
