Pytorch Training Loop Explained

This there things are part of backpropagation, after doing forward pass by doing model(x_input) we need to calculate the loss for each back and update the parameters based on the derivatives. Doing loss.backward() helps to calculate the derivatives/gradients and optim.step() goes backward and update all the parameters. And we mainly use optim.zero_grad() to get rid of gradient accumulation problem, we prefer to claculate the gradients of each bach seperately. looking into the code might help. General Deep Learning pipeline looks like this,

epochs = 5

for e in range(epochs):
    train_loss = 0.0
    for data, labels in tqdm(trainloader):
        # Transfer Data to GPU if available
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            data, labels = data.cuda(), labels.cuda()
        # Clear the gradients
        # Forward Pass
        target = model(data)
        # Find the Loss
        loss = criterion(target,labels)
        # Calculate gradients 
        # Update Weights
        # Calculate Loss
        train_loss += loss.item()
    print(f'Epoch {e+1} \t\t Training Loss: {train_loss / len(trainloader)}')

If you see the last three lines of the pipeline, it first performs optim.zero_grad() then loss.backward() and optim.step(). So, why is that?

  • But first talk about loss.backward() and optim.step():

loss.backward() sets the grad attribute of all tensors with requires_grad=True in the computational graph of which loss is the leaf (only x in this case).

Optimizer just iterates through the list of parameters (tensors) it received on initialization and everywhere where a tensor has requires_grad=True, it subtracts the value of its gradient stored in its .grad property (simply multiplied by the learning rate in case of SGD). It doesn’t need to know with respect to what loss the gradients were computed it just wants to access that .grad property so it can do x = x - lr * x.grad.

When you call loss.backward(), all it does is compute gradient of loss w.r.t all the parameters in loss that have requires_grad = True and store them in parameter.grad

attribute for every parameter. optimizer.step() updates all the parameters based on parameter.grad.

  # Our "model"
  x = torch.tensor([1., 2.], requires_grad=True)
  y = 100*x

  # Compute loss
  loss = y.sum()

  # Compute gradients of the parameters w.r.t. the loss
  print(x.grad)     # None
  print(x.grad)     # tensor([100., 100.])

  # MOdify the parameters by subtracting the gradient
  optim = torch.optim.SGD([x], lr=0.001)
  print(x)        # tensor([1., 2.], requires_grad=True)
  print(x)        # tensor([0.9000, 1.9000], requires_grad=True)
  • What is optim.zero_grad():

    Note that if we were doing this in a train loop we would call optim.zero_grad() because in each train step we want to compute new gradients - we don’t care about gradients from the previous batch. Not zeroing grads would lead to gradient accumulation across batches. Apparently we dont have to put optim.zero_grad() at the first all the time. As you have already understood its used to clear the gradients for each batch. we we can also use this after calculating the gradients.

  • Use of loss.item():

    .item() moves the data to CPU. It converts the value into a plain python number. And plain python number can only live on the CPU. But you can also try using loss directly. but this is a better option. More importantly, if you are new to PyTorch, it might be helpful for you to know that we use loss.item() to maintain running loss instead of loss because PyTorch tensors store history of its values which might overload your GPU very soon.

    • loss.item() gives the loss calculated for that batch/iteration. you need to do the mean over loss of each batch/iteration to get the total epoch loss. train_loss += loss.item() is summing all the loss, and at the last we devide by the length of the batch train_loss / len(trainloader).
    x = torch.tensor([1.0])
  • Why we are doing train_loss / len(trainloader):

    The average of the batch losses will give you an estimate of the “epoch loss” during training. Since you are calculating the loss anyway, you could just sum it [train_loss += loss.item()] and calculate the mean [train_loss / len(trainloader) => sum of loss/no of loss] after the epoch finishes. This training loss is used to see, how well your model performs on the training dataset. Alternatively you could also plot the batch loss values, but this is usually not necessary and will give you a lot of outputs.

  • If the loss calculation for each epoch seems wierd to you, you can use the below code. Here we are adding all the losses[coming from each iteration] in a list, and later we are doing mean on that list to get the total epoch loss. model.train() puts the model into training mode.
epochs = 5
for e in range(epochs):
    train_loss = list()
    for data, labels in tqdm(trainloader):
        # Transfer Data to GPU if available
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            data, labels = data.cuda(), labels.cuda()

        # Clear the gradients
        # Forward Pass
        target = model(data)
        # Find the Loss
        loss = criterion(target,labels)
        # Calculate gradients 
        # Update Weights
        # Calculate Loss

    print(f'Epoch {e+1} \t\t Training Loss: {torch.tensor(train_loss).mean():.2f}')
  • Validation loop: here model.eval() puts the model into validation mode, and by doing torch.no_grad() we stop the calculation of gradient for validation, coz in validation we dont update our model. Except evary thing is same as before.

def test(epoch):


  with torch.no_grad():
    for data in tqdm(testloader):


      loss= loss_fn(outputs,labels)

      _, predicted = outputs.max(1)
      total += labels.size(0)
      correct += predicted.eq(labels).sum().item()



  print('Test Loss: %.3f | Accuracy: %.3f'%(test_loss,accu)) 
